Note about upgrading: Doctrine uses static and runtime mechanisms to raise awareness about deprecated code. - Use of `@deprecated` docblock that is detected by IDEs (like PHPStorm) or Static Analysis tools (like Psalm, phpstan) - Use of our low-overhead runtime deprecation API, details: # Upgrade to 2.5 ## Deprecated `OnClearEventArgs::clearsAllEntities()` and `OnClearEventArgs::getEntityClass()` These methods only make sense when partially clearing the object manager, which is deprecated. Passing a second argument to the constructor of `OnClearEventArgs` is deprecated as well. ## Deprecated `ObjectManagerAware` Along with deprecating `PersistentObject`, deprecating `ObjectManagerAware` means deprecating support for active record, which already came with a word of warning. Please implement this directly in your application with a `postLoad` event if you need active record style functionality. ## Deprecated `MappingException::pathRequired()` `MappingException::pathRequiredForDriver()` should be used instead. # Upgrade to 2.4 ## Deprecated `AnnotationDriver` Since attributes were introduced in PHP 8.0, annotations are deprecated. `AnnotationDriver` is an abstract class that is used when implementing concrete annotation drivers in dependent packages. It is deprecated in favor of using `ColocatedMappingDriver` to implement both annotation and attribute based drivers. This will involve implementing `isTransient()` as well as `__construct()` and `getReader()` to retain backward compatibility. # Upgrade to 2.3 ## Deprecated using short namespace alias syntax in favor of `::class` syntax. Before: ```php $objectManager->find('MyPackage:MyClass', $id); $objectManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM MyPackage:MyClass'); ``` After: ```php $objectManager->find(MyClass::class, $id); $objectManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM '. MyClass::class); ``` # Upgrade to 2.2 ## Deprecated `doctrine/cache` usage for metadata caching The `setCacheDriver` and `getCacheDriver` methods in `Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractMetadata` have been deprecated. Please use `getCache` and `setCache` with a PSR-6 implementation instead. Note that even after switching to PSR-6, `getCacheDriver` will return a cache instance that wraps the PSR-6 cache. Note that if you use a custom implementation of doctrine/cache, the library may not be able to provide a forward compatibility layer. The cache implementation MUST extend the `Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider` class. # Upgrade to 1.2 ## Deprecated `ObjectManager::merge()` and `ObjectManager::detach()` Please handle merge operations in your application, and use `ObjectManager::clear()` instead. ## Deprecated `PersistentObject` Please implement this functionality directly in your application if you want ActiveRecord style functionality.