CHANGELOG ========= 5.4 --- * Add `dotenv:dump` command to compile the contents of the .env files into a PHP-optimized file called `.env.local.php` * Add `debug:dotenv` command to list all dotenv files with variables and values * Add `$overrideExistingVars` on `Dotenv::bootEnv()` and `Dotenv::loadEnv()` 5.1.0 ----- * added `Dotenv::bootEnv()` to check for `.env.local.php` before calling `Dotenv::loadEnv()` * added `Dotenv::setProdEnvs()` and `Dotenv::usePutenv()` * made Dotenv's constructor accept `$envKey` and `$debugKey` arguments, to define the name of the env vars that configure the env name and debug settings * deprecated passing `$usePutenv` argument to Dotenv's constructor 5.0.0 ----- * using `putenv()` is disabled by default 4.3.0 ----- * deprecated use of `putenv()` by default. This feature will be opted-in with a constructor argument to `Dotenv` 4.2.0 ----- * added `Dotenv::overload()` and `$overrideExistingVars` as optional parameter of `Dotenv::populate()` * added `Dotenv::loadEnv()` to load a .env file and its corresponding .env.local, .env.$env and .env.$env.local files if they exist 3.3.0 ----- * [BC BREAK] Since v3.3.7, the latest Dotenv files override the previous ones. Real env vars are not affected and are not overridden. * added the component