Usage statistics for

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 01-Sep-2024 00:28 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 398774
Total Files 307341
Total Pages 368061
Total Visits 41876
Total KBytes 3618672
Total Unique Sites 10074
Total Unique URLs 10988
Total Unique Referrers 2758
Total Unique User Agents 441
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 535 6632
Hits per Day 12863 41037
Files per Day 9914 30610
Pages per Day 11872 38749
Sites per Day 324 1002
Visits per Day 1350 1845
KBytes per Day 116731 406022
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 77.07% 307341
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.10% 413
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 92
Code 303 - See Other 0.12% 497
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.18% 698
Code 404 - Not Found 2.69% 10710
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 19.82% 79023

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3149 0.79% 1992 0.65% 2657 0.72% 1286 3.07% 870 8.64% 12153 0.34%
2 2569 0.64% 1750 0.57% 2237 0.61% 1262 3.01% 866 8.60% 8285 0.23%
3 3267 0.82% 2364 0.77% 2935 0.80% 1382 3.30% 833 8.27% 8023 0.22%
4 11840 2.97% 8022 2.61% 10969 2.98% 1725 4.12% 858 8.52% 27757 0.77%
5 11239 2.82% 8681 2.82% 10716 2.91% 1366 3.26% 845 8.39% 28479 0.79%
6 5909 1.48% 4016 1.31% 5376 1.46% 1265 3.02% 813 8.07% 15256 0.42%
7 18749 4.70% 13719 4.46% 17454 4.74% 1448 3.46% 928 9.21% 60219 1.66%
8 3347 0.84% 2257 0.73% 2916 0.79% 1246 2.98% 925 9.18% 50897 1.41%
9 8419 2.11% 5927 1.93% 7624 2.07% 1845 4.41% 1002 9.95% 24872 0.69%
10 7274 1.82% 5178 1.68% 6823 1.85% 1286 3.07% 839 8.33% 74688 2.06%
11 8150 2.04% 3685 1.20% 7743 2.10% 1137 2.72% 778 7.72% 88531 2.45%
12 7297 1.83% 5557 1.81% 6603 1.79% 1340 3.20% 896 8.89% 162503 4.49%
13 9527 2.39% 6217 2.02% 8646 2.35% 1328 3.17% 966 9.59% 151372 4.18%
14 25866 6.49% 20337 6.62% 23988 6.52% 1440 3.44% 860 8.54% 191569 5.29%
15 41037 10.29% 30610 9.96% 38749 10.53% 1772 4.23% 885 8.78% 226182 6.25%
16 8325 2.09% 7419 2.41% 7864 2.14% 1633 3.90% 856 8.50% 137836 3.81%
17 12657 3.17% 9746 3.17% 11384 3.09% 1362 3.25% 791 7.85% 195523 5.40%
18 6639 1.66% 4861 1.58% 6144 1.67% 1024 2.45% 759 7.53% 163756 4.53%
19 10607 2.66% 9844 3.20% 8790 2.39% 1584 3.78% 994 9.87% 133757 3.70%
20 16597 4.16% 12408 4.04% 15109 4.11% 1266 3.02% 921 9.14% 194999 5.39%
21 14228 3.57% 13012 4.23% 13592 3.69% 1494 3.57% 972 9.65% 203666 5.63%
22 13900 3.49% 12200 3.97% 13010 3.53% 1010 2.41% 608 6.04% 406022 11.22%
23 12800 3.21% 11159 3.63% 11943 3.24% 1174 2.80% 744 7.39% 400624 11.07%
24 8895 2.23% 7337 2.39% 8185 2.22% 1576 3.76% 696 6.91% 119821 3.31%
25 17565 4.40% 13713 4.46% 15898 4.32% 1231 2.94% 655 6.50% 247965 6.85%
26 12582 3.16% 10579 3.44% 11563 3.14% 1646 3.93% 682 6.77% 39208 1.08%
27 10403 2.61% 9019 2.93% 9742 2.65% 1163 2.78% 604 6.00% 28525 0.79%
28 19622 4.92% 12980 4.22% 18279 4.97% 1445 3.45% 717 7.12% 41536 1.15%
29 22800 5.72% 17214 5.60% 20443 5.55% 1258 3.00% 791 7.85% 51943 1.44%
30 25010 6.27% 23043 7.50% 23478 6.38% 1280 3.06% 870 8.64% 76651 2.12%
31 18505 4.64% 12495 4.07% 17201 4.67% 914 2.18% 551 5.47% 46052 1.27%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 447 13868 3.48% 342 10623 3.46% 418 12961 3.52% 4472 138627 3.83%
1 529 16417 4.12% 433 13447 4.38% 489 15173 4.12% 5154 159785 4.42%
2 469 14569 3.65% 359 11151 3.63% 434 13484 3.66% 4579 141951 3.92%
3 540 16744 4.20% 450 13966 4.54% 476 14778 4.02% 4981 154412 4.27%
4 577 17892 4.49% 498 15446 5.03% 536 16631 4.52% 4630 143515 3.97%
5 443 13756 3.45% 362 11232 3.65% 414 12839 3.49% 4575 141831 3.92%
6 467 14480 3.63% 387 12016 3.91% 442 13722 3.73% 4841 150071 4.15%
7 461 14311 3.59% 376 11657 3.79% 425 13201 3.59% 4806 148974 4.12%
8 490 15194 3.81% 392 12160 3.96% 427 13265 3.60% 4787 148386 4.10%
9 526 16309 4.09% 412 12796 4.16% 486 15076 4.10% 4568 141622 3.91%
10 608 18872 4.73% 463 14369 4.68% 570 17695 4.81% 5139 159295 4.40%
11 506 15704 3.94% 385 11947 3.89% 465 14419 3.92% 5249 162729 4.50%
12 489 15163 3.80% 383 11880 3.87% 456 14156 3.85% 4725 146484 4.05%
13 411 12743 3.20% 299 9294 3.02% 384 11905 3.23% 4911 152255 4.21%
14 440 13666 3.43% 354 10987 3.57% 407 12635 3.43% 5171 160313 4.43%
15 403 12522 3.14% 317 9842 3.20% 378 11730 3.19% 4781 148221 4.10%
16 414 12834 3.22% 305 9482 3.09% 382 11850 3.22% 4904 152011 4.20%
17 469 14548 3.65% 328 10172 3.31% 421 13073 3.55% 4516 139988 3.87%
18 617 19146 4.80% 478 14836 4.83% 524 16266 4.42% 5362 166231 4.59%
19 669 20760 5.21% 493 15301 4.98% 607 18842 5.12% 4697 145613 4.02%
20 702 21767 5.46% 456 14154 4.61% 668 20716 5.63% 4538 140684 3.89%
21 810 25120 6.30% 608 18856 6.14% 761 23621 6.42% 5003 155088 4.29%
22 808 25066 6.29% 599 18584 6.05% 773 23984 6.52% 4820 149434 4.13%
23 558 17323 4.34% 423 13143 4.28% 517 16039 4.36% 5521 171154 4.73%

Top 30 of 10988 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 22903 5.74% 2482796 68.61% /stats/usage_202408.html
2 2135 0.54% 5299 0.15% /
3 2013 0.50% 20082 0.55% /stats/
4 1206 0.30% 2530 0.07% /system/
5 1047 0.26% 696 0.02% /templates/
6 984 0.25% 10226 0.28% /vendor/
7 601 0.15% 763 0.02% /var/
8 549 0.14% 361 0.01% /files/
9 525 0.13% 2404 0.07% /assets/
10 431 0.11% 1217 0.03% /system/logs/
11 395 0.10% 1112 0.03% /var/logs/
12 335 0.08% 218 0.01% /composer.json
13 318 0.08% 342 0.01% /var/cache/
14 299 0.07% 1067 0.03% /vendor/bin/
15 298 0.07% 324 0.01% /assets/ace/
16 293 0.07% 197 0.01% /system/tmp/
17 290 0.07% 620 0.02% /assets/chosen/
18 285 0.07% 191 0.01% /assets/js/
19 282 0.07% 544 0.02% /assets/swipe/
20 282 0.07% 250 0.01% /system/themes/
21 281 0.07% 189 0.01% /assets/css/
22 276 0.07% 187 0.01% /system/cache/
23 276 0.07% 188 0.01% /system/modules/
24 275 0.07% 302 0.01% /assets/tinymce4/
25 274 0.07% 186 0.01% /assets/images/
26 273 0.07% 186 0.01% /system/config/
27 272 0.07% 242 0.01% /vendor/ausi/
28 270 0.07% 468 0.01% /assets/mootools/
29 269 0.07% 294 0.01% /assets/jquery/
30 265 0.07% 124160 3.43% /composer.lock

Top 10 of 10988 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 22903 5.74% 2482796 68.61% /stats/usage_202408.html
2 265 0.07% 124160 3.43% /composer.lock
3 124 0.03% 23874 0.66% /vendor/spatie/schema-org/src/
4 28 0.01% 23357 0.65% /var/cache/dev/Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelDevDebugContainer.xml
5 185 0.05% 22822 0.63% /var/cache/dev/Container53hEQuK/
6 105 0.03% 20884 0.58% /vendor/spatie/schema-org/src/Contracts/
7 2013 0.50% 20082 0.55% /stats/
8 160 0.04% 18873 0.52% /var/cache/prod/ContainerZfHaEsz/
9 156 0.04% 18401 0.51% /var/cache/prod/ContainerWs2a7rE/
10 20 0.01% 12776 0.35% /vendor/imagine/imagine/src/resources/Adobe/CMYK/UncoatedFOGRA29.icc

Top 10 of 5125 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2135 0.54% 1087 3.42% /
2 2013 0.50% 298 0.94% /stats/
3 431 0.11% 194 0.61% /system/logs/
4 525 0.13% 182 0.57% /assets/
5 601 0.15% 166 0.52% /var/
6 395 0.10% 166 0.52% /var/logs/
7 1206 0.30% 160 0.50% /system/
8 984 0.25% 118 0.37% /vendor/
9 549 0.14% 114 0.36% /files/
10 1047 0.26% 108 0.34% /templates/

Top 10 of 5197 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2135 0.54% 920 2.90% /
2 2013 0.50% 301 0.95% /stats/
3 431 0.11% 190 0.60% /system/logs/
4 525 0.13% 187 0.59% /assets/
5 1206 0.30% 187 0.59% /system/
6 601 0.15% 168 0.53% /var/
7 395 0.10% 154 0.49% /var/logs/
8 984 0.25% 140 0.44% /vendor/
9 549 0.14% 131 0.41% /files/
10 1047 0.26% 121 0.38% /templates/

Top 30 of 10074 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 24889 6.24% 19859 6.46% 56841 1.57% 10 0.02%
2 24491 6.14% 19420 6.32% 53190 1.47% 9 0.02%
3 24293 6.09% 15349 4.99% 55234 1.53% 4 0.01%
4 22065 5.53% 17531 5.70% 44862 1.24% 10 0.02%
5 20123 5.05% 16215 5.28% 78075 2.16% 43 0.10%
6 16002 4.01% 16002 5.21% 1710643 47.27% 8 0.02%
7 12504 3.14% 8472 2.76% 26306 0.73% 1 0.00%
8 10595 2.66% 5465 1.78% 17110 0.47% 6 0.01%
9 8654 2.17% 3478 1.13% 23449 0.65% 2 0.00%
10 7850 1.97% 5928 1.93% 25627 0.71% 561 1.34%
11 6562 1.65% 6562 2.14% 738267 20.40% 3 0.01%
12 6519 1.63% 5337 1.74% 11655 0.32% 233 0.56%
13 5331 1.34% 4354 1.42% 8461 0.23% 237 0.57%
14 5240 1.31% 4229 1.38% 8588 0.24% 234 0.56%
15 4953 1.24% 4014 1.31% 7739 0.21% 236 0.56%
16 4757 1.19% 3843 1.25% 8318 0.23% 241 0.58%
17 4692 1.18% 3829 1.25% 8221 0.23% 235 0.56%
18 4596 1.15% 3713 1.21% 7522 0.21% 241 0.58%
19 4416 1.11% 3567 1.16% 7347 0.20% 239 0.57%
20 3640 0.91% 2956 0.96% 5847 0.16% 247 0.59%
21 3537 0.89% 2818 0.92% 6134 0.17% 243 0.58%
22 3519 0.88% 2885 0.94% 5337 0.15% 244 0.58%
23 2504 0.63% 1121 0.36% 15152 0.42% 1 0.00%
24 2314 0.58% 1513 0.49% 50919 1.41% 241 0.58%
25 1820 0.46% 1805 0.59% 4004 0.11% 11 0.03%
26 1723 0.43% 1470 0.48% 4064 0.11% 9 0.02%
27 1710 0.43% 1336 0.43% 5345 0.15% 8 0.02%
28 1544 0.39% 1528 0.50% 3573 0.10% 9 0.02%
29 1424 0.36% 1092 0.36% 4590 0.13% 9 0.02%
30 1251 0.31% 1206 0.39% 2002 0.06% 11 0.03%

Top 10 of 10074 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 16002 4.01% 16002 5.21% 1710643 47.27% 8 0.02%
2 6562 1.65% 6562 2.14% 738267 20.40% 3 0.01%
3 20123 5.05% 16215 5.28% 78075 2.16% 43 0.10%
4 24889 6.24% 19859 6.46% 56841 1.57% 10 0.02%
5 24293 6.09% 15349 4.99% 55234 1.53% 4 0.01%
6 24491 6.14% 19420 6.32% 53190 1.47% 9 0.02%
7 2314 0.58% 1513 0.49% 50919 1.41% 241 0.58%
8 22065 5.53% 17531 5.70% 44862 1.24% 10 0.02%
9 100 0.03% 98 0.03% 38431 1.06% 1 0.00%
10 12504 3.14% 8472 2.76% 26306 0.73% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 2758 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 332886 83.48% - (Direct Request)
2 16292 4.09%
3 2588 0.65%
4 2014 0.51%
5 1955 0.49%
6 1668 0.42%
7 1270 0.32%
8 1033 0.26%
9 1030 0.26%
10 890 0.22%
11 890 0.22%
12 799 0.20%
13 704 0.18%
14 675 0.17%
15 675 0.17%
16 523 0.13%
17 500 0.13%
18 492 0.12%
19 484 0.12%
20 479 0.12%
21 479 0.12%
22 240 0.06%
23 190 0.05%
24 161 0.04%
25 154 0.04%
26 138 0.03%
27 110 0.03%
28 90 0.02%
29 89 0.02%
30 89 0.02%

Top 15 of 441 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 71445 17.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 53699 13.47% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
3 51200 12.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
4 37521 9.41% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 24293 6.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
6 22937 5.75% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 22407 5.62% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 15008 3.76% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
9 12093 3.03% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
10 10595 2.66% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AwarioBot/1.0; +
11 8654 2.17% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
12 8026 2.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
13 7850 1.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
14 7758 1.95% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
15 4984 1.25% Go-http-client/1.1

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 24 of 24 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 125175 31.39% 104870 34.12% 2040067 56.38% Unresolved/Unknown
2 93295 23.40% 61092 19.88% 953238 26.34% Commercial (com)
3 70541 17.69% 50050 16.28% 248754 6.87% Germany
4 68730 17.24% 58096 18.90% 140290 3.88% European Union
5 33386 8.37% 27033 8.80% 99902 2.76% Network (net)
6 4742 1.19% 4242 1.38% 73379 2.03% China
7 1179 0.30% 982 0.32% 4351 0.12% Norway
8 1024 0.26% 768 0.25% 28147 0.78% Non-Profit (org)
9 301 0.08% 300 0.10% 511 0.01% United Kingdom
10 232 0.06% 221 0.07% 21532 0.60% Netherlands
11 89 0.02% 87 0.03% 8338 0.23% Russian Federation
12 59 0.01% 1 0.00% 14 0.00% Brazil
13 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 10 0.00% Austria
14 3 0.00% 2 0.00% 5 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
15 3 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Japan
16 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 120 0.00% Belarus
17 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 5 0.00% United States
18 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Argentina
19 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
20 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Georgia
21 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Montenegro
22 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Nepal
23 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Poland
24 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Serbia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23