Usage statistics for

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 01-Oct-2024 00:27 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 295631
Total Files 213674
Total Pages 269820
Total Visits 23799
Total KBytes 1417139
Total Unique Sites 8692
Total Unique URLs 10920
Total Unique Referrers 1230
Total Unique User Agents 741
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 410 5196
Hits per Day 9854 40295
Files per Day 7122 25783
Pages per Day 8994 37190
Sites per Day 289 1017
Visits per Day 793 2982
KBytes per Day 47238 261980
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 72.28% 213674
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.15% 442
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 68
Code 303 - See Other 0.13% 390
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.22% 644
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 2
Code 404 - Not Found 3.95% 11689
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 23.25% 68722

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 8576 2.90% 7223 3.38% 7946 2.94% 789 3.32% 629 7.24% 28913 2.04%
2 11983 4.05% 7736 3.62% 11363 4.21% 458 1.92% 438 5.04% 160634 11.34%
3 9299 3.15% 7276 3.41% 7908 2.93% 1108 4.66% 753 8.66% 35284 2.49%
4 11043 3.74% 7802 3.65% 10198 3.78% 1120 4.71% 837 9.63% 20992 1.48%
5 13809 4.67% 10661 4.99% 12504 4.63% 1560 6.55% 1017 11.70% 37475 2.64%
6 14718 4.98% 10421 4.88% 13729 5.09% 849 3.57% 608 6.99% 26627 1.88%
7 7443 2.52% 5748 2.69% 6672 2.47% 953 4.00% 591 6.80% 15979 1.13%
8 8735 2.95% 5664 2.65% 7845 2.91% 682 2.87% 569 6.55% 28273 2.00%
9 4029 1.36% 2358 1.10% 3327 1.23% 729 3.06% 554 6.37% 16675 1.18%
10 6903 2.34% 4255 1.99% 6139 2.28% 1003 4.21% 524 6.03% 13593 0.96%
11 7475 2.53% 6020 2.82% 6849 2.54% 877 3.69% 531 6.11% 21605 1.52%
12 7410 2.51% 4722 2.21% 6861 2.54% 832 3.50% 522 6.01% 14631 1.03%
13 9047 3.06% 5386 2.52% 8376 3.10% 684 2.87% 470 5.41% 19841 1.40%
14 25627 8.67% 18546 8.68% 23628 8.76% 653 2.74% 481 5.53% 72102 5.09%
15 7552 2.55% 6581 3.08% 6931 2.57% 502 2.11% 401 4.61% 29185 2.06%
16 6 0.00% 5 0.00% 4 0.00% 4 0.02% 5 0.06% 16 0.00%
17 2816 0.95% 1995 0.93% 2624 0.97% 238 1.00% 125 1.44% 28189 1.99%
18 7634 2.58% 4430 2.07% 7064 2.62% 735 3.09% 409 4.71% 19743 1.39%
19 2553 0.86% 1634 0.76% 2068 0.77% 575 2.42% 387 4.45% 17674 1.25%
20 1733 0.59% 1454 0.68% 1525 0.57% 285 1.20% 280 3.22% 70468 4.97%
21 7576 2.56% 5864 2.74% 7057 2.62% 871 3.66% 337 3.88% 172604 12.18%
22 12759 4.32% 10690 5.00% 11851 4.39% 836 3.51% 359 4.13% 261980 18.49%
23 6971 2.36% 4556 2.13% 6389 2.37% 588 2.47% 307 3.53% 56927 4.02%
24 6482 2.19% 4627 2.17% 5625 2.08% 496 2.08% 438 5.04% 29822 2.10%
25 7476 2.53% 5358 2.51% 6530 2.42% 753 3.16% 380 4.37% 22340 1.58%
26 8285 2.80% 6969 3.26% 7716 2.86% 636 2.67% 309 3.55% 19279 1.36%
27 40295 13.63% 25783 12.07% 37190 13.78% 1581 6.64% 583 6.71% 79042 5.58%
28 26214 8.87% 21124 9.89% 23951 8.88% 2982 12.53% 523 6.02% 65525 4.62%
29 4673 1.58% 4025 1.88% 4121 1.53% 424 1.78% 399 4.59% 15077 1.06%
30 6509 2.20% 4761 2.23% 5829 2.16% 398 1.67% 384 4.42% 16645 1.17%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 336 10096 3.42% 256 7688 3.60% 309 9289 3.44% 1645 49347 3.48%
1 327 9821 3.32% 222 6678 3.13% 299 8981 3.33% 2245 67358 4.75%
2 327 9832 3.33% 219 6596 3.09% 298 8949 3.32% 1896 56873 4.01%
3 469 14099 4.77% 383 11516 5.39% 438 13146 4.87% 2061 61823 4.36%
4 415 12467 4.22% 338 10146 4.75% 376 11305 4.19% 2302 69058 4.87%
5 433 12999 4.40% 348 10450 4.89% 400 12000 4.45% 2183 65484 4.62%
6 457 13710 4.64% 344 10330 4.83% 412 12381 4.59% 1719 51580 3.64%
7 391 11753 3.98% 297 8928 4.18% 354 10633 3.94% 1725 51736 3.65%
8 364 10941 3.70% 283 8516 3.99% 288 8657 3.21% 1730 51888 3.66%
9 378 11347 3.84% 280 8420 3.94% 322 9687 3.59% 1563 46896 3.31%
10 423 12698 4.30% 310 9307 4.36% 379 11372 4.21% 1860 55787 3.94%
11 492 14787 5.00% 342 10269 4.81% 459 13790 5.11% 1362 40863 2.88%
12 451 13554 4.58% 317 9525 4.46% 421 12633 4.68% 1804 54128 3.82%
13 481 14453 4.89% 364 10931 5.12% 434 13025 4.83% 2198 65953 4.65%
14 352 10576 3.58% 259 7772 3.64% 328 9842 3.65% 1442 43266 3.05%
15 308 9257 3.13% 239 7182 3.36% 282 8478 3.14% 1360 40797 2.88%
16 349 10488 3.55% 276 8294 3.88% 311 9347 3.46% 2369 71080 5.02%
17 363 10918 3.69% 261 7830 3.66% 341 10239 3.79% 2276 68276 4.82%
18 475 14277 4.83% 313 9390 4.39% 444 13345 4.95% 2337 70107 4.95%
19 492 14763 4.99% 348 10469 4.90% 447 13439 4.98% 2046 61385 4.33%
20 452 13573 4.59% 273 8215 3.84% 427 12826 4.75% 1856 55665 3.93%
21 446 13395 4.53% 278 8347 3.91% 421 12659 4.69% 1832 54957 3.88%
22 431 12940 4.38% 276 8287 3.88% 392 11788 4.37% 3438 103140 7.28%
23 429 12887 4.36% 286 8588 4.02% 400 12009 4.45% 1990 59692 4.21%

Top 30 of 10920 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5819 1.97% 621171 43.83% /stats/usage_202409.html
2 2018 0.68% 4973 0.35% /
3 648 0.22% 6579 0.46% /vendor/
4 588 0.20% 1233 0.09% /system/
5 569 0.19% 378 0.03% /templates/
6 462 0.16% 304 0.02% /files/
7 371 0.13% 471 0.03% /var/
8 304 0.10% 1392 0.10% /assets/
9 297 0.10% 839 0.06% /system/logs/
10 255 0.09% 718 0.05% /var/logs/
11 214 0.07% 100939 7.12% /composer.lock
12 213 0.07% 2124 0.15% /stats/
13 159 0.05% 174 0.01% /assets/tinymce4/
14 157 0.05% 506 0.04% /vendor/contao/
15 153 0.05% 327 0.02% /assets/chosen/
16 152 0.05% 559 0.04% /var/cache/dev/
17 150 0.05% 535 0.04% /vendor/bin/
18 148 0.05% 347 0.02% /assets/mediabox/
19 147 0.05% 191 0.01% /assets/dropzone/
20 147 0.05% 100 0.01% /assets/images/
21 147 0.05% 99 0.01% /system/tmp/
22 142 0.05% 305 0.02% /assets/datepicker/
23 138 0.05% 295 0.02% /assets/contao/
24 138 0.05% 152 0.01% /assets/jquery-ui/
25 138 0.05% 125 0.01% /vendor/contao-components/
26 137 0.05% 92 0.01% /assets/css/
27 137 0.05% 93 0.01% /system/cache/
28 137 0.05% 109 0.01% /vendor/wikimedia/
29 136 0.05% 149 0.01% /assets/jquery/
30 133 0.04% 257 0.02% /assets/swipe/

Top 10 of 10920 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5819 1.97% 621171 43.83% /stats/usage_202409.html
2 214 0.07% 100939 7.12% /composer.lock
3 20 0.01% 16683 1.18% /var/cache/dev/Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelDevDebugContainer.xml
4 68 0.02% 13092 0.92% /vendor/spatie/schema-org/src/
5 8 0.00% 12690 0.90% /assets/ace/js/worker-xquery.js
6 106 0.04% 12503 0.88% /var/cache/prod/ContainerWs2a7rE/
7 91 0.03% 11226 0.79% /var/cache/dev/Container53hEQuK/
8 95 0.03% 11206 0.79% /var/cache/prod/ContainerZfHaEsz/
9 39 0.01% 7757 0.55% /vendor/spatie/schema-org/src/Contracts/
10 12 0.00% 7668 0.54% /vendor/imagine/imagine/src/resources/Adobe/CMYK/WebCoatedSWOP2006Grade5.icc

Top 10 of 5200 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2018 0.68% 735 4.93% /
2 297 0.10% 169 1.13% /system/logs/
3 255 0.09% 117 0.79% /var/logs/
4 304 0.10% 84 0.56% /assets/
5 150 0.05% 50 0.34% /vendor/bin/
6 588 0.20% 49 0.33% /system/
7 37 0.01% 48 0.32% /vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/templates/backend/
8 152 0.05% 47 0.32% /var/cache/dev/
9 371 0.13% 42 0.28% /var/
10 116 0.04% 41 0.28% /vendor/symfony/

Top 10 of 5135 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2018 0.68% 632 4.28% /
2 297 0.10% 167 1.13% /system/logs/
3 255 0.09% 118 0.80% /var/logs/
4 304 0.10% 83 0.56% /assets/
5 37 0.01% 57 0.39% /vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/templates/backend/
6 371 0.13% 52 0.35% /var/
7 152 0.05% 48 0.33% /var/cache/dev/
8 150 0.05% 45 0.30% /vendor/bin/
9 588 0.20% 44 0.30% /system/
10 104 0.04% 43 0.29% /assets/ace/js/

Top 30 of 8692 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 22638 7.66% 12629 5.91% 21559 1.52% 5 0.02%
2 18724 6.33% 11429 5.35% 47932 3.38% 439 1.84%
3 12504 4.23% 8474 3.97% 26328 1.86% 1 0.00%
4 12162 4.11% 9745 4.56% 66764 4.71% 73 0.31%
5 10849 3.67% 8319 3.89% 21563 1.52% 16 0.07%
6 10639 3.60% 8192 3.83% 23990 1.69% 14 0.06%
7 9756 3.30% 7495 3.51% 23224 1.64% 11 0.05%
8 6191 2.09% 4744 2.22% 8785 0.62% 198 0.83%
9 5031 1.70% 3855 1.80% 8064 0.57% 207 0.87%
10 4919 1.66% 3753 1.76% 8605 0.61% 215 0.90%
11 4634 1.57% 3571 1.67% 6921 0.49% 215 0.90%
12 4567 1.54% 3483 1.63% 6501 0.46% 218 0.92%
13 4424 1.50% 4424 2.07% 489520 34.54% 4 0.02%
14 4397 1.49% 3357 1.57% 6404 0.45% 221 0.93%
15 4377 1.48% 3350 1.57% 5729 0.40% 214 0.90%
16 4375 1.48% 3357 1.57% 7291 0.51% 223 0.94%
17 3439 1.16% 2599 1.22% 4942 0.35% 227 0.95%
18 3345 1.13% 2599 1.22% 4771 0.34% 232 0.97%
19 3343 1.13% 2560 1.20% 5223 0.37% 230 0.97%
20 2742 0.93% 2030 0.95% 34941 2.47% 167 0.70%
21 1721 0.58% 1379 0.65% 7303 0.52% 6 0.03%
22 1451 0.49% 1400 0.66% 2762 0.19% 8 0.03%
23 1355 0.46% 1355 0.63% 127351 8.99% 5 0.02%
24 1272 0.43% 901 0.42% 1219 0.09% 10 0.04%
25 1246 0.42% 1172 0.55% 2046 0.14% 12 0.05%
26 1153 0.39% 1125 0.53% 3510 0.25% 5 0.02%
27 1143 0.39% 1088 0.51% 2557 0.18% 11 0.05%
28 1114 0.38% 1036 0.48% 2174 0.15% 10 0.04%
29 1089 0.37% 1022 0.48% 2208 0.16% 9 0.04%
30 1053 0.36% 1046 0.49% 2232 0.16% 5 0.02%

Top 10 of 8692 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4424 1.50% 4424 2.07% 489520 34.54% 4 0.02%
2 1355 0.46% 1355 0.63% 127351 8.99% 5 0.02%
3 12162 4.11% 9745 4.56% 66764 4.71% 73 0.31%
4 18724 6.33% 11429 5.35% 47932 3.38% 439 1.84%
5 120 0.04% 118 0.06% 47909 3.38% 1 0.00%
6 2742 0.93% 2030 0.95% 34941 2.47% 167 0.70%
7 12504 4.23% 8474 3.97% 26328 1.86% 1 0.00%
8 10639 3.60% 8192 3.83% 23990 1.69% 14 0.06%
9 9756 3.30% 7495 3.51% 23224 1.64% 11 0.05%
10 10849 3.67% 8319 3.89% 21563 1.52% 16 0.07%

Top 30 of 1230 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 275656 93.24% - (Direct Request)
2 4424 1.50%
3 1122 0.38%
4 892 0.30%
5 508 0.17%
6 488 0.17%
7 486 0.16%
8 231 0.08%
9 218 0.07%
10 173 0.06%
11 124 0.04%
12 95 0.03%
13 93 0.03%
14 90 0.03%
15 73 0.02%
16 72 0.02%
17 57 0.02%
18 57 0.02%
19 51 0.02%
20 48 0.02%
21 48 0.02%
22 43 0.01%
23 42 0.01%
24 42 0.01%
25 41 0.01%
26 41 0.01%
27 41 0.01%
28 38 0.01%
29 38 0.01%
30 37 0.01%

Top 15 of 741 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 55784 18.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 48865 16.53% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
3 42041 14.22% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
4 30248 10.23% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 22638 7.66% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AwarioBot/1.0; +
6 18724 6.33% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
7 14871 5.03% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 12504 4.23% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
9 9962 3.37% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
10 6037 2.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
11 5323 1.80% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
12 4152 1.40% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.113 Mobile
13 3987 1.35% Go-http-client/1.1
14 1982 0.67% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
15 1926 0.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.137 Mobile

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 25 of 25 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 100068 33.85% 72079 33.73% 261673 18.46% Unresolved/Unknown
2 71621 24.23% 41718 19.52% 272803 19.25% Commercial (com)
3 61837 20.92% 49269 23.06% 106950 7.55% European Union
4 30342 10.26% 25412 11.89% 139949 9.88% Germany
5 22031 7.45% 16873 7.90% 62141 4.38% Network (net)
6 4428 1.50% 4427 2.07% 489526 34.54% Russian Federation
7 3834 1.30% 3221 1.51% 70633 4.98% China
8 533 0.18% 479 0.22% 447 0.03% Norway
9 499 0.17% 393 0.18% 12131 0.86% Non-Profit (org)
10 152 0.05% 151 0.07% 221 0.02% Address Routing (arpa)
11 140 0.05% 5 0.00% 5 0.00% Ukraine
12 89 0.03% 58 0.03% 103 0.01% United Kingdom
13 28 0.01% 14 0.01% 523 0.04% Netherlands
14 5 0.00% 5 0.00% 3 0.00% Singapore
15 5 0.00% 4 0.00% 10 0.00% United States
16 4 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Japan
17 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 10 0.00% Poland
18 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Canada
19 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Italy
20 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% New Zealand
21 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Catalan Community (cat)
22 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Afghanistan
23 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% India
24 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Mozambique
25 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% South Africa

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23